【嘉定金地嘉境】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)洋房美宅抢先预约!『友情提示 :样板间采取预约制,欢迎提前来电预约参观』超低总价 席卷五月五月楼市持续火爆,购房者们纷纷寻找着心中的理想家园。而在这个热闹的季节里,金地嘉境以其独特的魅力,成为了市场上的璀璨明星。【嘉定金地嘉境】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)洋房美宅抢先预约!第五批次推出的稀缺房源,金地嘉境不仅以其超低总价吸引了无数购房者的目光,更以其卓越的品质和优越的地理位置赢得了市场的广泛认可。【嘉定金地嘉境】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)洋房美宅抢先预约!当前,北上海地铁房的主力成交总价段几乎都在500万以上,而金地嘉境却以300万起的超低总价,让购房者轻松上车,一步到位买三房。【嘉定金地嘉境】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)洋房美宅抢先预约!这样的价格优势,在当下楼市中堪称一股清流,让众多购房者疯狂心动。以人民广场为原点来看,嘉定新城到人民广场的直线距离只有约22km,相较于其他区域,其价格优势更加明显。与嘉定距离稍近一点的宝山美兰湖、【嘉定金地嘉境】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)洋房美宅抢先预约!青浦徐泾等地,房价早已远超金地嘉境。徐泾一手房价已突破6万,二手房价更是高达8-10万;而美兰湖地铁站旁的项目挂牌核验价也已超过5.1万/㎡(不含税),4万的项目基本都是待去化的尾盘。【嘉定金地嘉境】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)洋房美宅抢先预约!在建中的嘉闵线沿线旁的轨交盘,价格也基本都在4万+以上。相比之下,金地嘉境无疑是真刚需上车的最佳选择!首付不到100万的价格,【嘉定金地嘉境】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)洋房美宅抢先预约!就能轻松拥有高品质的居住环境,这样的超值购房机遇,抢购红盘稳赚不赔!楼市向好,金地嘉境更是凭借其实力与品质,市场销售反响热烈。选择金地嘉境不只是选择一套房子,而是选择一种能轻松实现的自在生活方式。【嘉定金地嘉境】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)洋房美宅抢先预约!丰盛配套,“松弛”生活之美不得不说,现代人对于生活的理解愈发深刻和全面。我们所追求的,已不再是简单物质富足,而是那份心灵的宁静与舒适,追求一种松弛感生活。【嘉定金地嘉境】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)洋房美宅抢先预约!而嘉境所营造的“松弛感”生活氛围,恰好满足这种需求,让一切都得以实现。嘉闵线地铁在建 3站南翔7站虹桥金地嘉境直线距离约1.2km至嘉闵线(在建中)新成路【嘉定金地嘉境】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)洋房美宅抢先预约!,只需3站便可抵达南翔,换乘11号线;再行7站,便抵虹桥,轻松融入城市外环。嘉闵线全长44公里,自嘉定新城向北延伸,南至莘庄副中心,串联起多个重要城市节点。连接3个副中心——嘉定市级副中心【嘉定金地嘉境】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)洋房美宅抢先预约!、虹桥主城副中心和莘庄主城副中心,同时贯穿4个地区中心——徐行地区中心、南翔地区中心、江桥地区中心和七宝地区中心。更令人瞩目的是,它还穿越了3个历史悠久的古镇——嘉定古镇、南翔古镇和七宝古镇,【嘉定金地嘉境】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)洋房美宅抢先预约!仿佛一条穿越时空的脉络,将古与今、历史与未来紧密相连。5公里生活圈 醇熟生活无需等待相较于市中心高昂的商场消费,这里更能让人真正体验到“逛”的愉悦与自在。项目紧邻佳兆业商业街与御泰广场,【嘉定金地嘉境】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)洋房美宅抢先预约!骑行轻松可达五月花广场、百联购物中心、嘉定北日月光中心等众多商业地标。周末时光,可悠然漫步于繁华商业街,随心挑选心仪之物;亦或在御泰广场的温馨咖啡馆中【嘉定金地嘉境】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)洋房美宅抢先预约!,慢享一杯香醇咖啡,品味生活美好。夜幕降临,与家人一同前往超市选购晚餐食材,回家亲手烹制一顿丰盛的晚餐,共度温馨时光。在医疗配套方面,项目周边直线距离仅约5公里内,即可轻松抵达嘉定中心医院、嘉定区迎园医院、嘉定区中医医院等医疗机构,【嘉定金地嘉境】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)洋房美宅抢先预约!其中嘉定区中医医院更是嘉定首家三级甲等综合性中医医院——上海市中医医院嘉定院区,于1月29日正式开诊,为您和家人的健康保驾护航。教育资源方面,板块内拥有华东师范大学第五附属学校这一优质学府,该校硬件配置一流,师资力量雄厚,【嘉定金地嘉境】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)洋房美宅抢先预约!创校团队由高达87.5%的双一流大学毕业教师组成,教育质量值得信赖。此外,13-09地块还毗邻华东师范大学附属嘉定幼儿园、徐行小学、城中路小学等优质教育资源,在书香氛围中茁壮成长,启迪智慧人生。❉项目不承诺对口学区,仅列举项目周边学校名称【嘉定金地嘉境】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)洋房美宅抢先预约!,不作对口承诺,学区划分最终以教育局公布为准。住假社区低密墅境公允而言,金地嘉境凭其得天独厚的地理位置,已然具备热销的潜质。然而,金地并未因此而满足,反而致力于以卓越品质引领市场潮流。无论是精致装修、优雅社区环境,还是精心设计的户型,金地嘉境均力求完美,展现的居住品质相较于市面上单价高达5、6万的新房更胜一筹!金地嘉境更是巧妙地将整个社区打造成一处宜人的“度假胜地”,让人们在忙碌的生活之余,能够在此放松身心,找到工作与生活的和谐平衡点。金地嘉境“住假”设计主要从以下几个方面展开:1、优化归家动线,强化度假感;2、打造全龄化、多功能的景观、活动模块,赋能邻里社交;3、利用内外部景观环境资源,构建沉浸式景观氛围;【嘉定金地嘉境】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)洋房美宅抢先预约!4、打破场地限制,构建人与自然之和谐共生;社区外是都会繁华,社区内是闲适度假。不必远行,在金地嘉境时刻轻松享受度假生活之旅!抽不出时间度假,【嘉定金地嘉境】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)洋房美宅抢先预约!那就将欠家人的旅行搬到楼下。一张躺椅,就是享受度假惬意的全部装备,时间在这里被按下暂停键,谁说快节奏的城市,不能偷得浮生半日闲?1.8超低容积率,诗意环绕叠墅生活对于追求品质生活的叠墅客户而言,低密度是不可或缺的关键要素。那些容积率动辄高达3点几的社区,【嘉定金地嘉境】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)洋房美宅抢先预约!很难真正营造出他们所向往的诗意栖居。而金地嘉境以其仅1.8的容积率,为人们展现了一个与众不同的居住空间。这1.8的容积率究竟意味着什么?它意味着金地嘉境能够拥有更高的绿化率,让视野更加开阔,阳光更加充足,生活仿佛被鲜氧所环绕。同时,它也代表着居住密度的降低,为每一位业主提供了更为私密宁静的生活空间【嘉定金地嘉境】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)洋房美宅抢先预约!。在土地资源日益稀缺的今天,特别是在寸土寸金的城市区域,能够遇见这样一个低密住宅项目,无疑是一种难得的幸运。金地嘉境1.8容积率,不仅是一个数字,更是一种能够真切感受到的低密生活体验,为每一位来访者带来深深的震撼。【嘉定金地嘉境】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)洋房美宅抢先预约!现代礼序仪式 礼遇归家之路生活需有仪式感,金地嘉境深知此道,匠心独具。社区北侧精心布局独立配套服务设施,并设立礼仪社区门头,【嘉定金地嘉境】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)洋房美宅抢先预约!为业主营造归家首份温馨仪式感。高耸的门头犹如庄严的卫士,恭候业主归来,彰显社区主人的尊贵身份。社区堂客厅以城市客堂厅理念,精心打造树屏东路主入口与街角聚场。利用市政绿地、道路空间,创造开放、聚集、艺术的活动空间【嘉定金地嘉境】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)洋房美宅抢先预约!,满足青年客群需求。业主可漫步、聚会、休闲,堂客厅更设“无界书屋”,享受阅读之趣,举办读书交流。金地嘉境社区氛围轻松惬意,业主尽享自在生活。高层三房实用舒适【嘉定金地嘉境】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)洋房美宅抢先预约!市面上虽然不乏90平米的三房户型,但能够持续创新、引领潮流的却寥寥无几。金地嘉境通过一系列产品微创新,【嘉定金地嘉境】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)洋房美宅抢先预约!成功突破了物理空间的局限,实现了空间感受和居住体验的超级进阶!在保持“功能”与“舒适”双重优势的同时,更充分满足了居住者全生命周期的多样化生活需求。大开间一体化餐客厅:最大程度避免了空间浪费,增强了厅堂的交互性,为家庭生活增加了更多的交流和生活氛围。【嘉定金地嘉境】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)洋房美宅抢先预约!主卧小家化设计:通过科学合理的尺度预留,打造全功能主卧空间。精工收纳等N+显大细节,也在无形地提升着生活舒适度。【嘉定金地嘉境】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)洋房美宅抢先预约!卫生间3分离设计:很大程度上提升了利用率!早起或晚上,家人便捷使用更从容。金地嘉境为了提升客户体验,将交付做到了100%精装,且加量不加价。金地嘉境采用绿色节能外墙保温材质配置!此前基本只在中高端项目中才会使用!项目不仅空调、地暖、双向流新风三大件配齐,【嘉定金地嘉境】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)洋房美宅抢先预约!更是精选知名品牌:比如说AO.史密斯的地暖,以及百朗的双管新风,据悉该新风系统采用高效全热交换新风机组,有效去霾同时让室内保持恒温状态,时刻呼吸清新自然空气。【嘉定金地嘉境】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)洋房美宅抢先预约!其次,厨房也配齐了品牌燃气灶/油烟机/橱柜三件套,增配洗碗机,再加上单体大水槽、抽拉式水龙头、金属玻璃门,在单价3万级的楼盘中属实难得。在卫浴配置上,选用智能一体马桶,恒温花洒淋浴系统,【嘉定金地嘉境】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)洋房美宅抢先预约!风暖浴霸,于每个生活细节上,做到关注关照,确保生活达到有品有颜的精致。3字头新房的配置,呈现的居住品质即使在单价5、6万的新房领域中相当能打!改善叠墅一步到位在“房票”稀缺的现状下,越来越多的客户倾向于选择能够一步到位的置业方案,这使得叠墅产品变得尤为抢手。在主城嘉定地区,【嘉定金地嘉境】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)洋房美宅抢先预约!叠墅供应量本就相对稀缺。而金地嘉境叠墅项目凭借其卓越低密设计和产品质量的极致追求,一经上市便迅速点燃市场热情。随着年初限购政策和贷款政策的放宽,叠墅市场的火爆程度更是达到了新的高度,引发全城关注。目前,提供多种户型选择【嘉定金地嘉境】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)洋房美宅抢先预约!,包括建面约140-142㎡的下叠、约138-140㎡的中叠以及约135-137㎡的上叠,均为四室两厅三卫的宽敞布局。现正火热认购中,总价580万起。自在下叠,时刻与阳光为伍理想中的家,似乎就该这样:观万物,听蝉鸣,赏红叶,一壶清茶,一本书,品味难得的闲暇,静享生活的慢调惬意。负一层空间:可改造为家庭影音室,瑜伽健身房,儿童玩乐区,将多代人的美好,收藏其中,承载每一个家庭成员的闲情逸趣,【嘉定金地嘉境】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)洋房美宅抢先预约!生活各有其乐,美好随心而至。一层阔境空间:餐客厅一体,敞阔空间,涵养主人非凡气宇。南向老人房,悦享四时阳光景致,缱绻岁月悠然。【嘉定金地嘉境】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)洋房美宅抢先预约!二层栖心空间:主卧奢阔套房,从容优雅,自在惬意,静享私密时光。奢阔中叠,剧透你的理想生活【嘉定金地嘉境】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)洋房美宅抢先预约!中叠叠墅,位于舒适楼层高度,视野豁然开朗。每个空间都充分利用,既满足生活需求,又彰显居者的品味与格调。中叠叠墅,【嘉定金地嘉境】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)洋房美宅抢先预约!不仅是一处优雅的居所,更是一个充满功能与温情的家。方正布局:室内空间经过精心打造,方正三居室布局合理,功能齐全。阔尺设计:宽厅阳台巧妙设计,将自然美景融入生活点滴。主卧朝南,阳光充足,营造出温暖舒适的生活氛围。次卧宽敞明亮【嘉定金地嘉境】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)洋房美宅抢先预约!,可随心打造成理想的休憩空间。儿童房则充满趣味与创意,满足孩子们的成长需求。星空上叠,盛放一切生活可能上叠叠墅,不仅是一处居所,更是一种生活态度的体现。观景露台:露台自古便是诗意的栖居之所,正如苏轼笔下所描绘:“月上九门开,星河绕露台”,它高悬于天际,引人仰望,【嘉定金地嘉境】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)洋房美宅抢先预约!令人心驰神往。上叠叠墅的星空露台更如一座空中花园,让忙碌的心灵得以休憩,感受诗意生活的无限美好。二层空间:露台联通南向豪华套房式主卧,为主人打造一处静谧的私密天地。这里远离了一楼的喧嚣,让人仿佛与星月为伴,共度良宵。【嘉定金地嘉境】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)洋房美宅抢先预约!一层空间:大面宽客厅,空间宽敞而舒适,尽显居者的非凡气度。当亲朋好友欢聚一堂,觥筹交错间,欢声笑语此起彼伏,尽显主人的热情与风雅。品质置业,当选嘉境!金地嘉境作为线上线下广受认可的口碑红盘,释放第五批次仍售罄,其热销之势可见一斑。如今【嘉定金地嘉境】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)洋房美宅抢先预约!,五月热销正酣,席位稀缺,错过将再无机会!高层三房,总价仅需300万起,低密叠墅,总价580万起。红盘席位去化加速,犹豫即错过,切勿让机会从手中溜走![Jiading Jindi Jiading] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) Yangfang Mei house to make an appointment! "Friendly tips: The model room takes an appointment system, welcome to call in advance to make an appointment to visit" the ultra-low total price swept in MayThe housing market continued to boom in May, as buyers searched for their ideal home. In this busy season, Jindi Jiajing has become a bright star in the market with its unique charm. [Jiading Jindi Jiading] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) Yangfang Mei house to make an appointment! The fifth batch of scarce housing launched, Jindi Jiajing not only attracted the attention of countless buyers with its ultra-low total price, but also won wide recognition in the market with its excellent quality and superior geographical location. [Jiading Jindi Jiading] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) Yangfang Mei house to make an appointment!At present, the main total price segment of the north Shanghai subway room is almost more than 5 million, and Jindi Jiajing has an ultra-low total price of 3 million, so that buyers can easily get on the car and buy three rooms in one step. [Jiading Jindi Jiading] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) Yangfang Mei house to make an appointment! Such a price advantage can be called a clear current in the current property market, so that many buyers are crazy.Taking People's Square as the origin point, the linear distance from Jiading New Town to People's Square is only about 22km, and its price advantage is more obvious compared with other areas. A little closer to Jiading Baoshan Meilan Lake, [Jiading Jindi Jiading] official sales office tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) Yangfang Meilan house early to book! Qingpu Xujing and other places, housing prices have long exceeded the golden field. The first-hand house price in Xujing has exceeded 60,000, and the second-hand house price is as high as 80,000-100,000; And Meilan Lake subway station next to the project listed verification price has also exceeded 51,000 /㎡ (excluding tax), 40,000 projects are basically to be removed at the end. [Jiading Jindi Jiading] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) Yangfang Mei house to make an appointment!The rail offering along the Jiamin Line under construction is basically more than 40,000 yuan. In contrast, Jindi Jiajing is undoubtedly the best choice for real just need to get on the car! Down payment of less than 1 million prices, [Jiading Jindi Jiading] official sales office telephone: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) Yangfang Mei house reservation! Can easily have a high-quality living environment, such a value of the opportunity to buy a house, snapping up red plate steady profit!The property market is good, Jindi Jiajing is relying on its strength and quality, the market sales response is warm. Choosing Jindi is not just choosing a house, but choosing a lifestyle that can be easily achieved. [Jiading Jindi Jiading] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) Yangfang Mei house to make an appointment!Rich supporting, "relaxed" the beauty of lifeIt has to be said that modern people have an increasingly profound and comprehensive understanding of life. What we are pursuing is no longer simple material abundance, but the peace and comfort of the mind, and the pursuit of a relaxed life. [Jiading Jindi Jiading] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) Yangfang Mei house to make an appointment! And the "relaxed" living atmosphere created by Jiajing just meets this demand, so that everything can be realized.Jiamin Line subway under construction 3 stations Nanxiang 7 stations HongqiaoJindi jiayuan environmental linear distance is about 1.2 km to jia min line (in building) into a new way the official floor jiading jindi jiayuan's territory 】 【 telephone: 400-960-1817 (developers, 24-hour hotline) houses the house first appointment! , just 3 stops to Nanxiang, transfer to Line 11; After 7 more stops, you will arrive at Hongqiao and easily integrate into the outer ring of the city.With a total length of 44 kilometers, Jiamin Line extends north from Jiading New City to Xinzhuang sub-center in the south, connecting a number of important urban nodes. Connect 3 sub-centers - Jiading Municipal sub-center [Jiading Jindi Jiading] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) Yangfang Mei house early to book! Hongqiao main city sub-center and Xinzhuang main city sub-center, while running through four regional centers - Xuhang regional center, Nanxiang regional center, Jiangqiao regional center and Qibao regional center. More remarkable is that it also passes through three historic towns - Jiading Ancient town, Nanxiang Ancient town and Qibao Ancient town, [Jiading Jindi Jiading] official sales office tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline). It is like a vein that travels through time and space, closely connecting the past and present, history and future.5 km life circle Mellow life without waitingCompared with the high shopping mall consumption in the city center, people can really experience the pleasure and freedom of "shopping" here. The project is close to Kaisa Business Street and Yutai Square, [Jiading Jindi Jiading] official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) Yangfang Mei house to book early! Many commercial landmarks such as Mayflower Plaza, Bailian Shopping Center and Jiading North Ase Center can be easily reached by bike. Weekend time, leisurely stroll in the bustling commercial street, choose what you want; Or in the warm cafe of Yutai Square [Jiading Jindi Jiading] official sales office tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) Yangfang Mei House to make an appointment! Enjoy a cup of coffee slowly, taste the good life. When night falls, go to the supermarket to buy dinner ingredients with your family, go home and cook a sumptuous dinner with your own hands, and spend a warm time together.In terms of medical facilities, the direct distance around the project is only about 5 kilometers, you can easily reach Jiading Central Hospital, Jiading District Yingyuan Hospital, Jiading District Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine and other medical institutions, [Jiading Jindi Jiading] official sales office tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) Yangfang Meizhu early to book! Among them, Jiading District Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine is the first grade A comprehensive Chinese medicine hospital in Jiading - Jiading District of Shanghai Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine officially opened on January 29, to protect the health of you and your family.In terms of educational resources, there is a high-quality institution of East China Normal University fifth affiliated school within the plate, the school's hardware configuration is first-class, strong teachers, [Jiading Jindi Jiading] official sales office tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) Yangfang Meidu house reservation! The founding team is composed of up to 87.5% of teachers graduated from double first-class universities, and the quality of education is trustworthy. In addition, the 13-09 plot is also adjacent to East China Normal University affiliated Jiading Kindergarten, Xuhang Primary School, Chengzhong Road Primary School and other high-quality education resources, thrive in the scholarly atmosphere, and inspire intelligent life.❉ project is not committed to the school district, only the name of the surrounding school [Jiading Jindi Jiading] official sales office tel: 400-960-1817 (developer 24 hours hotline) Do not make a counterpart commitment, and the division of school districts is ultimately subject to the announcement of the Education Bureau.Live in a low-density villa in a fake communityTo be fair, Jindi Jiajing with its unique geographical location, already has the potential to sell. However, Gemdale is not satisfied with this, but is committed to leading the market trend with excellent quality. Whether it is exquisite decoration, elegant community environment, or well-designed apartment, Jindi Jiajing strives to be perfect, showing the quality of living compared with the market unit price of up to 50,000, 60,000 new homes better! The whole community is cleverly built into a pleasant "resort", so that people in the busy life, can relax here, find a harmonious balance between work and life.The design of "stay and vacation" in Jindi Jiajing is mainly carried out from the following aspects: 1. Optimize the home movement line and strengthen the sense of vacation; 2, create a full-age, multi-functional landscape, activity module, enabling neighbors to socialize; 3. Use internal and external landscape environment resources to build an immersive landscape atmosphere; [Jiading Jindi Jiading] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) Yangfang Mei house to make an appointment! 4. Break the site restrictions and build a harmonious symbiosis between man and nature;Outside the community is a bustling city, and inside the community is a leisure vacation. You don't have to travel far to enjoy your holiday life in Jindi Jiajing! Unable to spare the time for vacation, [Jiading Jindi Jiading] official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) Yangfang Mei house reservation! Then move the family trip downstairs. A recliner is all the equipment to enjoy a pleasant vacation, where time is pressed to pause the key, who says the fast-paced city, can not steal half a day's leisure?1.8 Ultra-low plot ratio, poetic surround villa lifeLow density is an essential element for Villa customers seeking quality life. Those communities where the plot ratio is often as high as 3 points, [Jiading Jindi Jiading] official sales office tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) Yangfang Mei House reservation! It's hard to really create the poetic dwelling they aspire to. With its plot ratio of only 1.8, Jindi Jiajing presents a different living space for people.What does this 1.8 plot ratio really mean? It means that Jinji Jiajing can have a higher green rate, so that the vision is more open, the sun is more abundant, life seems to be surrounded by fresh oxygen. At the same time, it also represents the reduction of residential density, providing each owner with a more private and quiet living space [Jiading Jindi Jiading] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline). . In today's increasingly scarce land resources, especially in urban areas where land is precious, it is undoubtedly a rare luck to meet such a low-density residential project. The 1.8 plot ratio of Jindi Jiajing is not only a number, but also a low-density life experience that can be truly felt, bringing a deep shock to every visitor. [Jiading Jindi Jiading] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) Yangfang Mei house to make an appointment!Modern rite rites honor the way homeLife needs to have a sense of ceremony, Jindi Jiajing know this way, originality. The north side of the community carefully layout independent supporting service facilities, and set up a ceremonial community gate, [Jiading Jindi Jiading] official sales office tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) Yangfang Mei house reservation! For the owners to create the first home warm ceremony. The towering door head is like a solemn guard, waiting for the return of the owner, highlighting the noble identity of the owner of the community.With the concept of urban guest hall, the community Hall is carefully built into the main entrance and corner of Shupingdong Road. Use municipal green space and road space to create open, gathering and artistic activity space [Jiading Jindi Jiading] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) To meet the needs of young customers. The owners can stroll, gather and relax, and the living room is equipped with a "boundless library" to enjoy the fun of reading and hold reading exchanges. The community atmosphere of Jindi Jiajing is relaxed and comfortable, and the owners enjoy their free life.High-rise three rooms practical comfort [Jiading Jindi Jiading] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) house beauty house to book!Although there is no shortage of 90-square-meter three-bedroom units on the market, few can continue to innovate and lead the trend. Jindi Jiading through a series of product micro-innovation, [Jindi Jiading] official sales office tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) Yangfang Mei house reservation! It has successfully broken through the limitations of physical space and realized the super advanced space feeling and living experience! While maintaining the dual advantages of "function" and "comfort", it more fully meets the diversified life needs of residents in the whole life cycle.Large integrated dining room: To avoid space waste to the greatest extent, enhance the interaction of the hall, and increase more communication and living atmosphere for family life. [Jiading Jindi Jiading] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) Yangfang Mei house to make an appointment!Master bedroom small home design: Through scientific and reasonable scale reservation, to create a fully functional master bedroom space. Seiko storage and other N+ display large details, but also invisibly improve the comfort of life. [Jiading Jindi Jiading] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) Yangfang Mei house to make an appointment!Bathroom 3 separation design: greatly improve the utilization rate! Early morning or evening, family convenient use more leisurely.In order to enhance the customer experience, Jindi Jiajing has made the delivery 100% hardbound, and the additional quantity does not increase the price.Jindi Jiajing adopts green energy-saving external wall insulation material configuration! Previously, it was basically only used in middle and high-end projects! The project is not only equipped with air conditioning, floor heating, two-way flow of fresh air, [Jiading Jindi Jiading] official sales office tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) Yangfang Mei house reservation! It is also a selection of well-known brands: for example, the floor heating of AO. Smith, and the double pipe fresh air of Bailang, it is reported that the fresh air system uses efficient full heat exchange fresh air units to effectively remove haze and keep the indoor constant temperature state, always breathing fresh and natural air. [Jiading Jindi Jiading] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) Yangfang Mei house to make an appointment!Secondly, the kitchen is also equipped with a three-piece set of brand gas stove/range hood/cabinet, plus a dishwasher, plus a single large sink, a pullout faucet, and a metal glass door, which is really rare in the real estate with a unit price of 30,000. In the bathroom configuration, the use of intelligent integrated toilet, constant temperature shower system, [Jiading Jindi Jiading] official sales office tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) house beauty house early booking! Wind warm bath bully, in every detail of life, to pay attention to care, to ensure that life to achieve the exquisite beauty. The configuration of the 3-word new house presents a living quality that can be played even in the field of new houses with a unit price of 50,000 or 60,000!Improve the villa in one stepUnder the current situation of the scarcity of "room tickets", more and more customers tend to choose the real estate program that can be put in place in one step, which makes villa products become particularly popular. In the main city of Jiading area, [Jiading Jindi Jiading] official sales office tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) Yangfang Mei house to make an appointment! Villa supply is already relatively scarce. The Jindi Jiajing Villa project, with its excellent low-density design and the ultimate pursuit of product quality, quickly ignited market enthusiasm once it was listed.With the relaxation of the purchase restriction policy and loan policy at the beginning of the year, the popularity of the villa market has reached a new height, causing concern in the city. At present, provide a variety of apartment type choice [Jiading Jindi Jiading] official sales office tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) Yangfang Mei house reservation! Including the building surface of about 140-142 square meters of the lower stack, about 138-140 square meters of the middle stack and about 135-137 square meters of the upper stack, are four rooms, two halls and three bathrooms spacious layout. It is currently under subscription, with a total price of 5.8 million.Since the bottom fold, the moment with sunshine for【嘉定金地嘉境】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)洋房美宅抢先预约!